hero, dumbbells, kettlebells, functional fitness
Strength. Mobility. Balance.

Personalized training supplement.
Functional fitness.
Injury prevention.

Start your 7-day free trial today ($8.99/month after)
Don’t let your injury history
dictate your future
What is DailyDurability?

DailyDurability sends you individualized “DailyDrops” to supplement your primary exercise.

15 minutes. 3x per week.

We made DailyDurability for folks who have limited time for fitness and self-care.


“I wanted to stay competitive, but I was limited by my back and it started to keep me off the court. One month into DD, and my back no longer hurts.”

— James, 40 (Basketball)

“I use to ignore mobility in my training. I knew it was important but my motivation was never there. DD has a ton of exercises I like, and it’s always new.

— Joey, 36 (Golf)

“I needed a well-balanced routine that I could fit into my ​schedule. I just finished physical therapy but I didn’t find ​anything I liked that I was confident would be safe.”

— Katie, 46 (Soccer)

“I have always stretched before and after a run, but in my ​50s I started getting nagging injuries. PT gave me ​exercises but I lost steam. The DailyDrop format is perfect ​for me, and the exercises have helped me with running.”

— Bev, 59 (Running)

How It Works

Individualized workouts
​Instructional videos

Functional Training

Low-impact and safe
Dynamic exercises


Tracking Activity Streak,
​Injury-Free-Week Streak


Flexible and self-paced
​Built in reminders

Origin Story

DailyDurability was developed by Mark Bouma, a Doctor of Physical Therapy with nearly 20 years treating athletes and patients of all types, including himself. As a former college basketball player with multiple knee surgeries, Mark feels better in his body now than he did in the peak of his playing career by integrating many of the movements that you’ll find in DailyDurabilty.

An approach to fitness does not have to be complicated, but it does need to be consistent. DailyDurabilty helps you prioritize a plan to enhance your wellness, rather than being forced to spend your time rehabbing from aches and pains. As a physical therapist, Mark wholeheartedly believes in prevention and he aims to empower DailyDurabilty users to build the momentum for a more physically fit and active future.